Art - learning journey

At Barry Primary School, creativity is a value that we believe is an integral part of our pupil’s education. Art engages and challenges all our pupils and embodies some of the highest forms of human creativity. We believe that art unlocks our pupil’s potential, allows them to communicate, express their creativity and supports their mental health, which is key to our school ethos - CARE. We believe that art gives our pupils their own voice, a sense of escapism and provides them with the opportunity to see the world around them from a diverse range of perspectives.
To tap into our pupil’s creativity and truly unlock their potential, we strive to provide outstanding opportunities for our children. The focus of our arts curriculum is to develop proficiencies in a range of art mediums and techniques, therefore equipping pupils with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.
Alongside these skills, we will develop children’s knowledge of a neurologically, culturally and physically diverse range of artists. The artists chosen provide pupils with positive role models that they can aspire to emulate, as well as developing their understanding of their own and others’ cultural heritage. Pupils will learn about how art reflects and shapes our history, and contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.
In art, we ensure that practical skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. Children will develop their understanding of the visual language of art through effective teaching and carefully planned sequences of lessons which build on prior learning from the previous year. Across the school, the teaching of art is practical, playful and inclusive, with support and challenge from adults in class sessions, small groups and work with individuals. In EYFS and KS1, there is a combination of adult-led, teacher taught sessions as well as a wealth of stimulating continuous provision opportunities where adults scaffold learning through providing independent tasks, skilful interactions and questioning.
Pupils’ understanding of the visual elements of art and design (line, tone, texture, colour, pattern, shape, 3D form etc) will be developed by providing an accessible and engaging curriculum. We teach a knowledge rich, skills-based curriculum. Children are first explicitly taught the context and the skills they will be using that term, they are then tasked with re-creating a piece of art from the artist they will be studying, focusing on the skill or technique for that unit. Children will plan and combine the skills they have learnt with the knowledge gained about the artist, or art movement, to create their own unique piece of art work. The evidence of their work is collected in their sketch book which follows the children through the school. Pupils will develop their critical awareness during art history lessons, which are taught alongside the practical lessons and focus on the same artist or art movement that they are studying. This allows children the opportunity to learn about the life of their artist, express their initial reactions, likes and dislikes as well as providing extended writing opportunities.
Where appropriate, the art curriculum is used to enhance the learning in other subjects. e.g. artists linked to the historical period that is being studied or styles of art linked to geographical regions that are being studied.
Our vision for art as a school is that every child is an artist.
We develop confident children who can express themselves in healthy and creative ways and become skilful visual communicators. The progression of knowledge and practical skills of pupils will increase between EYFS and Year 6 and will be evident in their sketchbooks and conversation surrounding art.
Pupil voice is also important in the review of provision for art. The art lead undertakes regular learning walks to monitor the quality and impact of the art curriculum and assess the extent to which pupils are accessing a breadth of taught skills and opportunities. Work from all year groups will be displayed in our Grand Hall Gallery and progression will be evident through the final pieces on show.
We develop confident children who can express themselves in healthy and creative ways and become skilful visual communicators.
Pupil voice is also important in the review of provision for art. The art lead undertakes regular learning walks to monitor the quality and impact of the art curriculum and assess the extent to which pupils are accessing a breadth of taught skills and opportunities. Work from all year groups will be displayed in our Grand Hall Gallery and progression will be evident through the final pieces on show.
Our vision for art as a school is that every child is an artist.
We develop confident children who can express themselves in healthy and creative ways and become skilful visual communicators. The progression of knowledge and practical skills of pupils will increase between EYFS and Year 6 and will be evident in their sketchbooks and conversation surrounding art.
We regularly expose our children to works of art inside and outside of the school building. This has been presented in the past as visiting artists who have created permanent pieces on our premises, gallery visits and visits to the cultural quarter of Northampton.
Pupils are taught to show respect in Art lessons in a number of ways. This includes respecting the materials and tools being used to maintain their quality, to respect the work of others; giving positive and constructive feedback and respecting the work and cultural significance of a range of different practitioners.
Pupil voice is also important in the review of provision for art. The art lead undertakes regular learning walks to monitor the quality and impact of the art curriculum and assess the extent to which pupils are accessing a breadth of taught skills and opportunities. Work from all year groups will be displayed in our Grand Hall Gallery and progression will be evident through the final pieces on show. This gives our pupils the opportunity to see their work displayed and be proud of their achievements.