Religious Education - LEARNING JOURNEY

At Barry Primary School, we teach RE weekly, throughout the school from Nursery to Year 6. We live in a world where religion can be a joy or an obstacle and it is more and more important that our children develop a knowledge of beliefs, their own faith, or none, and faiths other than their own so that they can understand the complexities of living in a multi-religious world.
Through teaching RE, children have opportunity to reflect on their own convictions, begin to develop a worldview and consider the part they play in the life of the school and more widely.
At Barry Primary we teach RE using the ‘Northamptonshire agreed syllabus (SACRE) which scaffolds children to explore religions, engage with their knowledge and reflect on their learning and life. We teach Christianity for over half of the RE curriculum.
Children also learn about different faiths from around the world, including Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Included are many religious stories from these six faiths and all have an opportunity to learn from each other as they discover these. Children’s visits to places of worship are key to understanding communities and visitors share the experience of faith with us.
The teaching of RE often crosses over into other subjects such as art and music and we seek to enrich children’s learning in creative ways.
As children at Barry Primary progress through the school, they begin to understand that everyone is entitled to their own ideas about religion, whether they are believers or not.
Through their religious education learning, the children are able to make links between their own lives and those of others in their community and in the wider world, developing an understanding of other people's cultures and ways of life. They begin to understand that tolerance towards others and respect is a very important value. Religious Education plays a valuable part in preparing our pupils for life in modern Britain.
Subject Overview
Religious Education allows children to gain an understanding of their faith or no faith and where it fits into the modern world. They will be equipped with curiosity and discovery of different ways of belief/non-belief.
Religious Education will inform children about the world in which they live and it is their responsibility to respect and explore it with understanding and empathy.
Religious Education allows children to learn about and compare different religions and people in the world around them. It teaches them about different lifestyles and challenges religions face and the need to respect people of faith and no faith as well as special places and religious artefacts.
Religious Education incorporates visits to local places of worship. Our pupils enjoy learning about and exploring different religious sites as well as seeing religious artefacts in context. We have a variety of visiting speakers into school to talk about the importance of their faith.