Geography - learning journey

At Barry Primary, it is our intent for the Geography curriculum to inspire our pupils and instil within them a fascination and curiosity about the world around them. In doing so, preparing them to view the world that they live in with both a reflective and compassionate outlook that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
Our Geography curriculum offering will equip our pupils with a broad knowledge and appreciation of a diverse range of places, environments, resources and the key physical and human processes that will allow them to better understand the world in which they live. We also aim to impart a greater attitude of respect for the word, on a local, national and international scale.
Our Geography curriculum comprises of three core strands, which lie at the heart of the curriculum, ensuring that a balanced and progressive learning experience is available to all pupils. Through the curriculum design, pupils are able to draw upon previously taught content and build upon this foundation knowledge as they progress through the school.
A greater understanding of human and physical geography is threaded throughout units beginning with understanding the local area, The United Kingdom, Europe and then the world. We also place an emphasis on current and topical geographical changes as a result of climate change. In doing so, allowing children the opportunity to gain an understanding of their impact and that of other humans on their planet and exploring how they can influence the future of their world. As our children further their knowledge and skills towards the end of Key Stage 2, they will develop an understanding of how the world is interconnected and how it has changed over time.
Children enjoy geography lessons and are able to clearly articulate their learning, making clear cross-curricular links where relevant. Outcomes in books, Seesaw and the class learning journey evidence a balanced and broad geography curriculum and demonstrate children’s acquisition of the key knowledge and skills.
Geography is assessed through a range of activities which offer the opportunity to apply knowledge in different contexts, combined with class teacher judgement.
Subject Overview
Geography allows pupils to gain an understanding about where in the world they live. Our curriculum allows pupils the opportunity to problem solve, solving issues from a geographical standpoint and being creative when suggesting solutions. We also equip pupils with the curiosity to discover and explore other places, cultures and ways of life.
Geography will inform children about the world in which they live and their responsibility to protect and explore it. It opens their eyes to life beyond their immediate location and the thrill of exploration. Our ambition is to inspire our pupils to be at the forefront of progress and change.
Geography allows children to learn about and compare different countries and places and the people who live there. It teaches them about different lifestyles and challenges across the world and the need to respect the individuality of people and places, in addition to their similarities and differences. Our curriculum also places an emphasis upon respect for our environment and the world around us.
Geography incorporates many practical studies including map reading, research, discussions, self-studies and field-work. Our pupils enjoy learning about and exploring different places and seeing their learning come to life in a real-world context.