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Reception Admissions

Over-subscription Criteria

Places will be allocated to pupils who have an EHC plan that names the school as appropriate provision. When there are more applications for places than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:

  1. Children in public care or previously looked after children - children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangments order or special guardianship order).
  2. Pupils with a brother or sister continuing at the school at the time of admission of the child.
  3. Pupils who live closer to the preferred school than any other school.
  4. Other pupils.  Tiebreaker If the admission number is exceeded within any criterion priority will be given to those who live closest to the school.

Mid-Year Applications

School places are allocated by West Northamptonshire Council.  They also maintain any waiting list.  We are unable to offer school places direct to parents for their children. 

Nursery Admissions

  Please read our Nursery Admissions Policy which you will find under Policies in the Statutory Info drop down menu above.

Click here to download a Nursery Admission Form for September 2025. 

Please complete and return via email to: schooloffice@barryprimary.org or,

use the post box situated in the wall outside the School Office on the ramp.  Thank you.

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